Sunday, May 18, 2008

New digs

I moved into a new apartment last week, and I helped my mom move from her house to a new townhouse, which is what sucked away the majority of my time. Although it was wonderful to have help from a number of my friends, I still put in a huge amount of time, and at the end of it, I was so exhausted I just felt like crying. That's something pretty wimpy for me to admit, but there you have it. I also convinced her to take the huge television I bought for her. I have to come up with all sorts of excuses and reasons she should have it instead of giving it to me; she seems to think it's just too big. Well, that's the whole point!

What I didn't do today was go to see Wil Wheaton at Supercon. Someone else did, though. And I'm insanely jealous. Most of us know Wil as Wesley Crusher from Star Trek, which means a lot of people think he was annoying. I disagree: he was the character we all would have been on the Enterprise: the geeky kid just happy to be there, wanting to have adventures all the time. And I think that's the reason people are down on Wesley: they see themselves in him.

That being said, Wil also has a cool blog, in which he reveals himself to be a monster geek. I'm not one to talk, having an arcade machine emulator on my computer and having spent quite a bit of time over the last couple of weeks playing Berzerk (Chicken! Fight like a robot!), Sinistar (Beware, I live!), and Pole Position (Mutteroo muttera mumblerar). But Wil has actually made something out of it.

I spent the better part of today reading Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons's The Watchmen. I feel very Rorscach at the moment. That character is probably the best thing about The Watchmen, although I think that the book, more than any other graphic novel I know of, truly gets at what it means to be a superhero.

I'm also feeling pretty cyberpunk. One of these days, I really have to teach myself to do art, so I can make comics.

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