Thursday, May 8, 2008

High School seemed like such a blur...

Today I was watching Smallville and just reflecting on the way high school kind of flashed by for me. I never had a lot of friends and I certainly never even came close to dating. I never raised much hell and the gutsiest thing I ever did was stay in the school all night for a math competition. Now, I'm starting to think that even though I got the grades, I wish I would have spent less time on my studies and more on just being young. Those days, when everyone lives with their parents and sees each other every day, when it feels like friendships will last forever and everything matters, will never be here again. I don't know if I'll ever have as tight friendships as I did in high school, and they could have been a lot tighter. High school is the great equalizer: not everyone goes to college, and there, everyone is divided by subject. In high school, someone of every sort is there, the jocks with the nerds, the preppies with the losers. And I could have been a lot more part of it. Instead, I worried about what colleges I could get into and how many scholarships I would get. I was more concerned with scores (and video games) than with just being a kid and hanging out with my buddies.

And I think that was a huge mistake. So the lesson is that sometimes I should take my eye off of the goal and just enjoy what I have now. Because those stories about inedible cafeteria food and the Homecoming dance are indelible.

Even if the story is that there was no story.


  1. I can see how we could have done more with our youth, but we didn't do so poorly, either. We enjoyed ourselves, for the most part, especially at the end. Let us not forget the good times, as they say!

  2. I actually think I should have studied more and played less. I wish I had dropped out of high school, got my GED, and went to uni straight away. The last year of high school was a joke.

  3. The last year of High School WAS pretty pointless academically, but that was my point: I should have focused more on just being a teenager and enjoyed that very unique social setting that high school is!
