Thursday, August 28, 2008

Toph time!

Holy crap, I've gone fanboy. Okay, I'm wearing my Naruto headband and my Alucard hat, and it's time to talk like I have a retainer in my mouth, because I'm pulling out the stops (and the sanity) to go all-out fanboy.

I was on Deviantart earlier. I'm tired of the rep it gets as a home for softcore porn. It's that... AND lots of great fan-drawn pictures of anime shows. So, without further ado, everyone's favorite Earthbender. I picked pictures that I felt did a good job portraying the character differently than she appears on the show, while still keeping true to who she is. A realistic picture of Toph's face. A very dynamic shot of Toph Earthbending. Bend away, Toph. Bend away. Toph cosplay! I felt the artist captured her personality as well as her costume. A uniquely comics-like Toph. A more realistic Toph. And last, because I had to include it, unabashed Toph cheesecake shot.

What have I become? *Tears in the rain...*

Don't judge me!

And, because I suppose it must be said, Toph is from the Nickelodeon show Avatar: The Last Airbender, and you should check it out.


  1. I'm pretty sure the cosplayer is a dude.

    Don't worry, bro. I can understand how Avatar can inspire strangely fanboyish behavior in even the best of us.

  2. It's a really interesting show. I need to pick up the dvds.
