Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Where creativity goes to die

So, the new Dune book by Brian Herbert is called Paul of Dune, further cementing the fact that they are going to write every conceivable novel and simply add of Dune to the end of it. Yes, prepare for Phil of Dune, Hank of Dune, and the page-turning bestseller Bubba of Dune.

Maybe I'm just tired and bitter. I only read the first book, back when it was still of Dune (except without the of), and I'm not sure I even finished that one. One thing is for sure: it's another argument against having any children. Being childless means not having my progeny screw up my legacy after I've moved on to the Happy Hunting Grounds. I'm looking at you, Christopher Tolkien.

(Yes, I know Paul was the name of the protagonist in the first novel. You may have too much time on your hands. Just like me.)