Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thanks, Best Buy

I had my LCD HDTV calibrated today. I had two guys sitting in my bedroom for upwards of an hour, tapping away at different functions of the television. It's supposed to make the picture more color-detailed, but so far it just seems to have made everything darker. Not only that, but I have a sneaking suspicion they turned down the sharpness of the set, because some of that OMG ITS FUL OF STARS razor's-edge sharpness seems to have faded; maybe that's just an illusion because the screen is darker now.

My real complaint is that they used a sensor that attached to the middle of the television. Although they made token attempts at cleaning the screen afterwards, there's still a smudge in the middle of my screen. Seriously, guys. If you would have just washed the thing before sticking it on my TV, I wouldn't have a bunch of dark suction-cup rings there now. I really can't enjoy my (supposedly) better colors with a black smear smack in the middle of my TV screen.

Well, it will supposedly extend the life of my TV by half, so I hope I'm not sounding too ungrateful. I would have had to buy cleaning stuff for my screen sooner or later anyway. But was it really worth three hundred bucks? That I really can't speak to.

Still, like I said, longer life really is nice.

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