Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yet Another Gripe: Writing Contest

Today's gripe is closer to home. At Utah State University, we have a writing contest every year. This year, they were supposed to announce the winners by March. It's April now, and I've only heard about the poetry winners, and that may be because I actually am one. I've heard from an anonymous source that there have been certain snags in getting the word out.

Let me just cut right to the chase. This is a giant steaming load of bull. I can't stand this kind of hypocrisy. It's one thing when a professor shows up late to class every now and then, because we're all human, but the fact that they were very strict about getting the entries in not only on time but in a certain format, and now they're assing around with making the announcement, is just ludicrous. This kind of doublethink in standards is completely unbecoming an academic institution. What the heck is so difficult about sending out an e-mail saying, "Congratulations to these people, who won the following places:"? I'm not saying we go out and grab out torches and pitchforks, but I'd like something like some action to be taken, even if it's just an announcement that the real announcement will be delayed. And I want it to be delivered to me written on the shaved back of a faculty member, so he has to take his shirt off and sing a song as he presents it. The song, of course, is just to show the level of apology we're dealing with.


In other news, I really don't know how tomorrow is going to go. I have my evaluations scheduled for that day, and I'm also presenting a paper at the local graduate student conference. When all is said and done, it should be a very eventful day. When it's all over, I expect to find a hot Asian hooker of indeterminate age at my front door so I can snort fine Columbian cocaine out of her navel. That should help with the stress.

Because I believe in the spirit of internationalism, and supporting the finest exports of foreign countries.

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