Sunday, March 23, 2008


I thought I'd weigh in on the "controversy" over the release of the Fanboys movie edited. Apparently, the movie was orinally about a guy who's dying of cancer, so his friends take him on a wild trip to Skywalker Ranch to get a copy of Star Wars Episode One before it's released so he can see it before he dies. The new version has no mention of the disease; the characters are just a bunch of geeks who want to see the film. The "controversy" (again, note the quotes) revolves around the fact that people who call themselves real Star Wars fans say the cut takes away the heart of the film and ends up making fun of the fans.

Here's a link to people bitching:

First and foremost, this isn't an issue. No-one is clubbing baby seals. And hell, you have to club something small before you can graduate to something big like Scarren, so you might as well club baby seals, too. Second, and this goes back to the first thing and why I put quotes around controversy: nobody has heard of this. I would be very surprised if this movie saw wide release. It's probably going to show in three movie theaters and go to DVD in two weeks, where both versions will be available. Shouldn't these people be busier, I don't know, anticipating how awesome the new Clone Wars animated series is going to be? THAT's a good use of your time.

Bluefish signing off. Take care, my pot rosts.

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