Tuesday, March 10, 2009

...what I do with my own time

I was listening to my Pandora radio station and came across a song called "Mona Lisa Overdrive" by the band Juno Reactor. It sounded like something from the soundtrack of Ghost in the Shell, which means, as my good friend the Lord Admiral would put it, it is relevant to my interests.

Upon investigation, I discovered (thanks to my old nemesis Wikipedia) that the song was performed by request for The Matrix Reloaded. This is, after all, very relevant to my interests, despite the fact that the second two Matrix movies sucked robot ass.

I frequently refer to William Gibson as my favorite living writer, and I am not about to withdraw that praise, but here I would like to say how disappointed I am with the majority of his writing. I found Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive very underwhelming; I kind of liked Virtual Light, quite liked Idoru, but couldn't stand All Tomorrow's Parties, which I found endlessly dragging to a flat finale--the whole novel could have been condensed to a hundred pages without losing a damn thing. My reaction to The Difference Engine was mixed (I found the story creative yet flawed in plotting), and the jury is still out on my final verdict. I flat-out loved Pattern Recognition, a postmodern romp through the high-tech modern world. I haven't read Spook Country yet because the reviews I found were generally negative.

This is a mixed bag, of course, but I haven't mentioned my two favorite Gibson works: Burning Chrome and, of course, Neuromancer, which needs no introduction. Some of the stories in Burning Chrome are some of Gibson's best work, particularly the title story, which I feel shows that perhaps he should constrain some of his big ideas to the short story format.

This is all a tangent based on one song, but this is my blog, and it's my business...


  1. I think the song may just be titled "Mona Lisa," but I may be wrong. My personal favorite Juno Reactor song is "Guardian Angel," though. If I were you, I'd check that one out, too.

  2. I like listening in on your buisness.

  3. And misspelling things....which is of course, my business.
