Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Am Who I Say I Am (and now I proved it)

It was a two and a half hour drive to Rexburg, Idaho, because that's where BYU Idaho is. Why they put it there, I can't say. I guess they liked it better that way. I went there to take a one hour test, to prove that I speak Hungarian, the first language I learned to speak. Needless to say, the test was about as easy as being asked to point to an apple in a bushel of apples when someone is holding my hand and I'm already kind of poking one finger out.

As I was sitting there, one of the kids I was taking the test with said BYU in Provo had the same test last week. I don't know. The website didn't say that. I guess they really should update the website, if nothing else, to save people from having to go into Idaho when they really don't mean to.

It's like walking all the way through Mordor to get to Mount Doom, just to find out that throwing the ring in the hearth fire would have sufficed after all if I just left it in there for a while.


  1. ALAS!! And such an ugly little town (I think). ;) Congratulations on getting that "A" after your "M"!

  2. When I took the test, there was a person reading for the spoken part that I couldn't figure out whether it was a young boy or a woman with a high voice. It was hard to understand what this person was saying, so I assumed it was a young boy because I figured a woman would know to speak more clearly. What did you think?

  3. Ahhh...such warm feelings for my hometown....
