Friday, May 11, 2012

Writing Thought

Sometimes I think people with good, solid life skills (reliable, fundamentally solid and capable people) can't be writers, because they just solve all of their problems. Writers need to fail, agonize, suffer, freak out, avoid, and tear hair (theirs and others'). That's what makes for good stories, and you have to write what you know. If you keep it together and overcome your obstacles by working hard, where's the story in that?


  1. I had a friend in college who couldn't hold a job, flunked out, and left his wife and kids after giving them one day's notice. He once told me he WANTED to become an alcoholic because it seemed "cool." Today he's a failure by more conventional measures. Assuming he hasn't been fired, he's a night watchman at a warehouse. He's still one of the most interesting people I know.

  2. I keep thinking about that "write what you know" sage advice and i am finding a healthy resistance in me toward it: what do i know? how much do i know? how long can i stretch the little bit i know, esp. so that others still want to read it and not roll their eyes and murmur unmentionables. To be able to stay fresh and interesting as a writer - even to myself - i need to learn more, and yes, do research. But i am sure you meant it that way. I am your fan. Foreva. :)
