Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Freaking Thesis

I think I may have complained to every human being on the planet about this already, but I'm tired of all the hoops I have to jump through for getting my thesis approved. Who would have thought that by far the easiest and most enjoyable part of my thesis would be actually researching, revising, and writing it, while all the formatting, approval, and running from place to place is far more aggravating than it should be.

This university has a massive, unwieldy bureaucracy filled with underlings who could and should be doing this piddling stuff. I suggest we use it.

To other graduate students: I'm not suggesting you shouldn't do a thesis. It was wonderfully rewarding, interesting, and even exciting to work on the actual thesis part of my thesis. All the hoopla, on the other hand, interests me about as much as a turd on a shoe. It might be funny if someone else was dealing with it, but if it's me, it's just aggravating and kind of disgusting.


  1. Not that it's any consolation, since it's probably too late in your case, but you may want to put a word in a few ears that you guys can now use Digital Commons to simplify the revision/review process for theses and dissertations. Just a thought.

  2. I still have to get approval for my thesis and I'm scared that I won't...
